◕‿◕ “游戏机实用技术”,“爱apps”,“任玩堂”推荐,2012年最具奇思妙想的足球游戏!! ◕‿◕
身怀绝技却无处效力,因为你是无名小卒。大爷的,是金子总会发光,你干嘛不在比赛间隙冲进球场证明你自己呢? 22 对 1 又怎样,Who 怕 Who 啊,咱就是 NB,老子天下第一。
thePortableGamer.com "it’s fun…and offers replayability by way of difficulty progression and the unlocking of new characters, including a ninja. So there you have it, soccer, beer and ninjas, what more could you ask for?"
AppAdvice.com “…a fun little game for your free time. It’s simple to pick up and play, and despite the simple mechanic there is a lot to enjoy maneuvering…”
148apps.com "Anyone who enjoys the fun of a day on the pitch will certainly find plenty to enjoy."
technobrains "...the developers have a handle on making simple, wacky games that are fun to play and make you smile. "
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